Episode 02: Epic Cali XC
Prior to me leaving Camarillo I got a chance to hang with my buddy Gabe on a cross country through Coastal California to Mercy Hot Springs and back. As a baby pilot, I’ve been eager to get as much cross country time in as I can, but am too much of a weenie to do half the stuff he does.
So Gabe hit me up and offered me an epic ride to Vandenberg AFB, Oceanic, Monterey Bay Academy, Mercy Hot Springs, Harris Rach (for the meats!), and back to Camarillo. All in all, 7+ hours of flight time.
By far the best part of being a pilot is cruising around the local areas, making off destinations. I’ll never forget how absolutely stunning the waters were at 4,000ft; they started as beautiful greens with dashes of kelp beds and evolved into the deepest blues with foamy pure white waves striking against the dark brown cliff sides. Each pull of a wave creating swirls of sand within the water below.
After landing on the grass strip of Monterey Bay Academy (a boarding school/farm thingy with a grass airstrip from WWII times), we made our way to Mercey Hot Springs, a camping resort with geothermal hot springs, we headed back to Harris Ranch and ate steaks like the smug little pilots we were.
It was a much needed flight and nice break from the chaos of life. Check out a snippet of our adventure!